The use of artificial grass pet |
The use of artificial grass pet
News Source:Wuxi Leisutan Artificial Turf Co.,Ltd -
If you are keen to keep clean your pets and gardens, there is no better choice, such as artificial grass. The pet-friendly fake turf, can resist all the wear and tear caused due to pets. Easily lead to poor quality of the turf and the pet's UV rays. Dogs, like humans, prefer soft and comfortable lawn in order to enjoy the activities at the top slapstick. Compared to natural grass, you can no longer worry about the dog's turf tear and damage suffered. More importantly, the artificial turf have a good water permeability, cats and dogs and other pets in the above urine and waste generation can be automatically excluded, thus avoiding the potential odor.
For cleaning artificial turf and natural grass is more simple than it freely, you do not have to like the same care garden grass turf gingerly worried hurt, loss appearance and performance. Artificial turf is firmly attached to the bottom, Common cleaning without the slightest effect on turf performance.
Reduce pet health threats
Natural lawn maintenance will inevitably use brakes and herbicides and other chemicals, which is caused by a pet suffering from certain diseases, serious or even life-threatening. But if it is artificial turf, you can eliminate such risks. Artificial turf maintenance people to ease, you can not pesticides and herbicides, will be able to maintain the health and integrity of the grass on the lawns, you can completely avoid the use of chemicals to protect your pet from injury pain. Exclusive use of certain artificial turf pet antimicrobial products, can prevent the growth of bacteria, minimizing the chances of a pet at the above activities subject to pathogenic infection.
The use of artificial grass is not only a great choice for pet owners, but also the production of pet-related products and services is an important business opportunity. The artificial turf is used on products such as kennel facilities, although the start would be a great investment, but long-term perspective it is cost-effective, measures to enhance the competitiveness of one. Once launched this artificial grass products, post-maintenance and peace of mind will be very simple, so excellent pet related products will also sought after by the pet owner.
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